If I tell you that in 3 hours I can show you all you need to build a profitable and impactful brand, would you take my offer?

This online masterclass is for Business Owners who want to build profitable brands with global impact.

Every business that you admire today started as a small business just like your own. 

What they did to become the brands you will admire today is that they built their brand.

Your brand is the one thing that has the potential to grow your business exponentially.

It is the one thing that if done well will make people want to spend their money with you and even beg you to collect their money because they want what you offer.

In this masterclass, you will learn how to reposition your business and brand it for profit.

You would learn what makes a global brand and how multinational organisations build multimillion dollar brands.

Using different case studies, I will show you how businesses like yours have rebranded themselves for profit using their competitive advantage.

Who is it For?

The masterclass is specifically for these set of individuals

  • A business owner that has been running your business for at least 2 years and you want to reposition it and brand it for profit.
  • You feel your business has been stuck in a place for a while and even though you’re making some sales, you know you can do more but don’t know how to reposition your brand.
  • Your current target customers seem not to be connecting with you like they used to in the past and you want to do redefine your market.
  • You want to attract more customers that can help you achieve your business objectives without having to stress every day wondering where they will come from.
  • You want clearly defined frameworks that would help you achieve your business objectives in 2024 with clarity and confidence.
  • You’re tired of guess work and jumping from one strategy to another.
  • You want a one-on-one interaction where you can have your business issues discussed and receive instant feedback.
  • You have a team and you want them to learn about branding your business for profit.
  • You want to be in the same room with business owners where you can share ideas and collaborate to move your business forward.

At the end of this masterclass, you would have a clear framework , tools and strategies that would help you position and brand your business for profit.

Here are amazing testimonials from the attendees of the previous workshops

Please allow me introduce myself..

My name is Atinuke Babatunde and I am the Founder of Brand Fusion.

I have an MSc from the University of Lagos and an MBA from the Lagos Business School graduating with a distinction in Marketing, Strategy and Entrepreneurship.

I am currently a Doctoral Research student in the Edinburg Business School in Scotland. I have over 20 years experience spanning across Media, marketing, Branding, Strategy and Research.

In my one-on-one consultation services, I have helped over 200 businesses to simplify and clarify their branding and marketing needs and positioning them as leaders in their various sectors.

Our online Academy has trained over 1000 female entrepreneurs in the areas of personal branding, business branding, marketing and business advisory

I am one of 200 women selected in the first cohort of the Africa Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC) from 52 Africa countries from an application of 2300 women.

I served as a member of the Advisory Board of the AWEC Alumni Network (AAN).

I was selected in May 2019 as one of the 50 Leading Ladies in Corporate Nigeria by Leading Ladies Africa.

I started Brand Fusion in 2017 as a business targeted at helping business owners with their branding and marketing with a special focus towards women owned businesses.

Brand Fusion won an award in 2019 as a brand that has used its social media handle for good in the digital space.

I am a WIMBIZ Fellow & Life Member.

I have mentored in the Cherie Blair Foundation For Women, WIMBIZ, Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) and Lagos Business School MBA Mentoring scheme

I live everyday empowering female entrepreneurs to own their personal brands and build their businesses by branding and marketing their brand for impact and profit

Atinuke has been featured in This Day, Vanguard, The Sun, TVC, Beat FM, Cool FM, Classic FM, The Punch Newspaper, Business Day, Wazobia FM and many others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this Masterclass Give Me Results?

I have worked with businesses that started from one page on Instagram and today have branches across the country.

The principles and fundamentals of branding are the same and if you apply them for your business they will work for you.

What if I Can't Afford It?

Let me flip the question. What if you keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing without getting any tangible result and find yourself right where you’ve always been. Have you calculated what it’s costing you to spend money without having a clear direction of what you’re doing in your business?

What will you save if you make this investment and are able to run a profitable brand?

I don’t know anything about branding and marketing. Will this masterclass help me?

My unique selling proposition is that I make branding and marketing simple so you can run a profitable business. I guarantee you that at the end of the day you would come out with enough branding and marketing knowledge that would take your business to the next level.

My business is already doing well, do I really need this?

Yes, you do. No matter how good your business is doing, you never stop working on your brand. This is the reason why brands like Coca Cola and the rest keep working on their brand regardless of how well they’ve done.

How will I get access after payment?

You get immediate access once payment is made